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Ensuring security and compliance throughout the product and service life cycle

Improving cybersecurity posture for manufacturers

Making the manufacturing environment secure is a real challenge. In the age of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing sector is undergoing an industrial revolution supported by several technological building blocks, including cloud computing, connectivity between communication networks and interconnection of IT-OT networks. If not properly protected, they can reveal potential security flaws and become targets for hackers in search of trade secrets and poorly protected data. Malicious parties could use ransomware or steal data to sell it to competitors. As a result, manufacturing businesses must improve their security strategy while ensuring ongoing operational agility and regulatory compliance.

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Protection for better performance

Incorporate cybersecurity into your business with vision and strategy.



How to effectively protect yourself against data leakage?

There are two kinds of data leaks: 

  • the ones caused by external attacks, i.e. by people who do not have access—or should not have access — to your data;
  • and those caused by internal attacks, i.e. by people you trust and have granted access to.

Find out how to protect yourself from them.



What would happen if your managed IT services provider were the victim of a cyberattack?

We had the pleasure of hosting Rino Lagacé, former Blue Team Leader at National Bank of Canada, at the first edition of the Forensik Conference. He explained to us how his incident response team was structured within the financial institution, what role each person played and how the company had gained maturity in managing cyber incidents. Listen to this interview on INTRASEC, In Fidem’s cybersecurity channel.

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