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Protecting critical infrastructure from cyberattacks

Security challenges for the energy sector in the midst of digital transformation

Cyberthreats in the energy sector are growing as suppliers, infrastructure and processes become increasingly reliant on new technologies and the Internet. The data ecosystem is becoming more complex. Changing information systems are opening up to the outside world. They are interconnected with service providers, such as cloud services, and with stakeholders in your supply chain. These new digital practices are changing the game and exposing us to new threats that jeopardize our critical resources, including the electric grid’s operability and reliability. As a result, they require better risk management throughout the supply chain and industrial control systems.

What can In Fidem do for you?

They rely on us

In Fidem has worked on a number of major projects in the energy sector to help businesses create value through sound risk management.

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Client X

They rely on us

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Client X

Protection for better performance

Incorporate cybersecurity into your business with vision and strategy.



Is your supply chain secure?

Did you know that your supply chain is often one of your weakest links in the event of a cyberattack? That’s because it’s the vital link between your organization and other businesses helping you serving your clients. Have you ever thought about the kind of information you share with your supply chain? Do you know how your suppliers handle your data and that of your clients, or where this information is stored?

Securite Chaine Approvisionnement Scaled


DevSecOps as a performance driver

Simon Bérubé, Senior Director–Product Delivery Strategy at In Fidem, is responsible for incorporating DevSecOps best practices within teams to accelerate value delivery and minimize waste due to scarce resources. His experience enables him to fully understand the different business dynamics and skillfully incorporate security into the three main pillars of DevOps delivery: agility, cloud computing and automation.

Simon agreed to demystify the DevSecOps concept and explain how to enforce security at all levels and for all environments by leveraging automated tools to increase your performance.

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